While at the gym over the weekend, one of the TVs was tuned to whatever network was broadcasting the Patriots – Titans game (side note! Hells yeah, no 7th ring for Brady this year!). Unfortunately, it was still far enough before game time that I was subjected to the vapid blather from what passes for the evening news.
Which was how I learned that old Hanoi Jane not only isn’t dead yet, but had crawled out of her crypt to protest against… something? War with Iran, I guess? I don’t know. Funny how that traitorous bitch was nowhere to be found during the eight years of the Obama administration dropping Hellfires at every two-bit terrorist they could find without bothering to ever go for the roots of the problem. Because that seems to be what you do if you’re a leftist politician: play whack-a-mole with symptoms so you look like you’re doing something, without actually ever having to solve a problem. For context, in the last year of the Obama presidency, the United States dropped 26,171 bombs. Which worked out to almost three bombs an hour every hour of every day in 2016 according to The Guardian.

I see that the hashtag #WorldWarThree was trending on Twitter over the weekend which strikes me as historically, geographically, and politically illiterate. So, about what I’ve come to expect from the bed-wetting whiners who populate left-wing twitter. The thing is, I’m old enough to remember when actual World War Three, with the big, bad, U.S.S.R. was still a legitimate possibility. Red Dawn (the original, not the stupid remake) was a more plausible start to World War III: East Vs. West than this current conflagration.
But Iran? YHGTBSM. First off, I highly doubt we’ll even get into a major shooting war with them, because they know they’d lose hard, but even if they were stupid enough to go for it, well, they’re a regional player at best. They’ve got enough capability to make Israel and Saudi Arabia very uncomfortable, and raise the price of oil, but that’s about it. There’s no way Russia gets involved on Iran’s side. For this to be anything more than Round N+1 in the innumerable wars that have raged in the Middle East since the time when the ranged weapons of choice were a javelin and a sling would require something like China deciding that if the U.S. is going to be focusing on Iran, then now would be a great time to “solve” their disagreements with Hong-Kong, Taiwan, and settle their grudge match with Japan. Then you might have World War III.