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Wing Commander: Brimstone System, Mission #3 – I Don’t Want to Fly Scimitars Any More!

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Wing Commander 1 Iceman

Sorry for the lack of blogging for the past couple of days. Like I said on Monday, things have gotten a little chaotic, and I’m working to get back on track right now.

There are only three things that a good wingman needs to say, and “Sorry for the friendly fire” isn’t one of them. I thought about that a little as I nursed my beat up Scimitar back to the Claw after another interminable mission with Maniac. At this point, the fighter probably wasn’t good for much more than spare parts to keep the rest of the squadron going. At least we’d accomplished our mission.

The Claw had launched an Alpha Strike of all available birds to shut down a Kilrathi supply run. Maniac and I drew the first assignment, a transport escorted by fighters of an unknown quantity and type. But first we’d have to deal with a pair of patrolling Jalthi who bumbled into our path. Maybe the cats were running a carrier somewhere in the system, I never heard.

My attention wavered for just a moment, and I nearly made a fatal mistake. The first volley from one of the Jalthi dropped my shields and shredded the pylon for one of my Dumbfires. I was probably lucky the hit didn’t cause the warhead to detonate. After that, I punched the afterburners to get on his tail. Same verse, second time through with the other heavy fighter, and we were on our way to the main objective.

To take out the Dorkir, all we had to do was deal with a quartet of Krant medium fighters. Of course, it just happened that another of the cats’ top aces was leading the flight. No matter. Khajja died like all the others. Maniac swore that the explosion from the transport was bigger than normal, like it had been carrying munitions. I don’t know, all the explosions look the same to me.

Note: A win in Brimstone takes you to the Dakota system. A loss takes you to Port Hedland.