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When Talent Isn’t Enough – Vlog 2019-34

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I might be running on empty a little bit right now. It definitely feels like one of those times when I’m riding the razor’s edge between amazing productivity and total burnout. The trick is going to be to take my foot off the gas and hit the brakes before I hit the wall.

You’d think I’d be better at this by now. We’ll see.

Anyway, I’ve accepted that not only am I not the smartest dude on my team, I’m not the fastest either. I may very well be the slowest in terms of speed, in fact. So be it. I’m getting faster and improving, so I don’t think I’ll always feel like I’m at the bottom of the heap. But for now, I’ve got two choices: throw my hands up and surrender, or put my head down and grind it out. I’ve never been a quitter. Just like in marathons, I may not be fast, but I finish.