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What’s the Plural of Drayman? Let’s Play Wing Commander: The Secret Missions 2 – Crusade – Near Firekka Mission 1

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What is the plural of “Drayman”, anyway? Technically it’s a class of ships, not a named vessel, so I think it would be “Draymans”, not “Draymen”. Truth be told though, I don’t really know.

Anyway, on to the mission. Bar chatter is interesting. It’s our first chance to talk with Doomsday, the manic-depressive Maori warrior pilot who clearly has Eeyore as his spirit animal. Somehow, even talking to Doomsday is less depressing than talking to Hunter this time. On the plus side, there’s Shotglass talking about Maniac being caught on the flight deck. In his pajamas. Trying to get into a Raptor. Whoo boy.

As to the actual mission, we’re escorting a couple of Draymans that are bringing troops into the Firekka system to ruin the Kilrathi’s Sivar ceremony. Why we couldn’t do this in Rapiers, rather than Hornets, I’ve no idea, but that’s what The Boss wants.

You’re supposed to pick up the Drayman transports at Nav 1 and escort them to Nav 2 where they jump out. Unfortunately, there’s a welcoming committee waiting at Nav 2. So this is where I cheated a little bit. Instead of following the pre-programmed route, I went to Nav 2 first and cleaned up all the enemies there, then went back to Nav 1 to pick up the transports and deal with the fighters attacking there. Much simpler, and a significantly higher probability of success. It’s not that dogfighting Dralthi in a Hornet is difficult, it’s just that the darn things can shred a transport a little too easily.

1 thought on “What’s the Plural of Drayman? Let’s Play Wing Commander: The Secret Missions 2 – Crusade – Near Firekka Mission 1”

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