Thursday Thunder will return next week (probably with more JASDF Phantoms, because, well, Phantoms), but I figured that I should address just why the blog went dark for a week and a half. So here goes: I got really busy. There was an immovable writing deadline for Marooners’ Rock that I needed to hit, a SAREX to attend, and finally, this:

Did you know that we’re currently in a lumber shortage? Neither did I, until I tried to to source wood to replace our fence. Oddly enough, the media hasn’t spent much time reporting on this one, save for some local outlets. Unless you’re in construction or trying to do a project, it’s not something most people notice. Which was how I ended up calling Lowe’s, Home Depot, and Menards, before ending up at a local lumberyard buying up 1/3rd of their remaining stock, and paying twice what I would have paid for the same lumber last year.
Fence pickets were a similar problem. No one had them in stock. We finally had to settle on some pre-built sections which were… not optimal. Somewhat convenient, sure, but overpriced and built to indifferent quality standards. Oh well. At least I got a really hefty pallet out of the deal too.

Truth be told, I missed most of the action on Saturday. We didn’t realize that fence building day would conflict with SAREX day until it was far too late. This meant I spent most of the day doing Emergency Services things with my CAP friends, then came home and helped MLGB, my father-in-law, and my brother-in-law get those prefabricated fence sections into position, trimmed, and secured.

Tune in tomorrow as we get back on schedule with the next Wing Commander: The Secret Missions 2: Crusade mission!