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Vlogging Again – Cameras, Marathons, and Schedules

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Monday vlogs are back! I hope. As I said on Wednesday, I decided to scrap last week’s content push and try to retool for a new week. Here goes. Tune in tomorrow to see if it’s working!

But seriously, I got a new camera to play with, which promises to improve my vlogs and streams a bit. It looks like I may have a few production issues when I use my laptop though. That should probably be motivation for me to finish my major home re-org and properly set up my studio space.

The Sioux Falls Marathon was an interesting challenge. Weather was 60 degrees and raining, which eventually turned into a light mist a half-hour or so after the race started. Not as bad as Fargo, but still not my preferred kind of running weather. I managed to beat my time from Fargo though, and learned a couple of important new lessons. The biggest lesson being that my phone GPS has been lying to me about how far I’ve been running.

There’s probably a long-term solution to that which will require buying a GPS watch, but for now since I know the error is approximately 0.07 per mile, I can just manually correct my target distances. I’ll be running indoors on treadmills pretty soon anyway.