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To Everything There is a Season

There’s something about motorcycle riding, especially alone on a country road, that inspires contemplation. In this case, I was on my way home from a hugely fun (and shockingly successful) Saturday poker run. The thought that crossed through my mind was along the lines of “Man, why can’t I do this every week?”

It’s not like I wouldn’t have opportunity. The Upper Midwest celebrates spring and summer with a sort of gleeful abandon that comes from spending months inside during winter. There’s events every weekend, something for the family, something for bikers, and whatever else a person could like. Summer is the season for adventure around here.

 There’s another kind of season going on right now. After buying our house last year, we barely had time to get everything moved in before an early winter brought outside activity to a screeching halt. Now it’s go time. Garden patches need to be cleared. Years of accumulated debris and neglect by the previous owners need to be cleared away. My role in this is, admittedly, minimal. Most of the action happens while I’m at work, with my Lovely and Gracious Wife both directing the operations of the Terror Team and doing much of the work herself. My jobs are usually limited to weekend jobs like pulling stumps, cleaning gutters, and other sundry projects that aren’t in her wheelhouse.

Truth be told, I’d love for this to be the season of Poker Runs, Baseball, and Beers on the Back Deck, rather than Weeding, Stump Pulling, and Siding Repair. But the point of having the latter season now, is that some future summer can become the former kind of season.

We’ll get there.