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Time To Fight A New Battle – Vlog 2019-36

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File this one under “Continued Personal Growth.” I feel like it’s a story that started with me deciding to be serious about getting in shape. Physical rigor led to the realization that I needed a more disciplined mind and schedule. Cue the Bullet Journal.

Mental discipline called in a requirement for better spiritual discipline. That’s very much a work in progress, but I’m on track to successfully read through my Bible in a year for the second time in a row, so progress.

Which brings me to now, and the realization that there’s another major area of my life that hasn’t really been under control: finances. It started with me asking the painful question of why, if I’ve got the best paying job of my career, are we still struggling through every paycheck? It ended with spreadsheets, envelopes, and a mutual commitment by MLGB and me to follow Dave Ramsey’s approach to budgeting and finally get ourselves debt free.

Like everything else, it’s a work in progress. Something else that I’ll try to update about periodically as we (hopefully) make progress towards our eventual debt-free scream.