Because I just can’t get enough of the old birds. There’s just something about the F-4 that will always embody bad-ass, brutal fighters in a way that the F-16 or F-35 doesn’t.
Not that I’m bagging on any of the later fighters, don’t get me wrong. But like I said, there’s just something about the old Phantoms that are still flying.
I love this video for having some nice understated music that still lets the big birds talk.I’m not saying that Juvat would do this if given the opportunity, but I’m not saying he wouldn’t either. Actually, given the chance, I’d do it. I’m pretty sure there’s nothing in my HOA’s rules about parking a retired jet on the lawn.
Greece still operates the F-4 as well. This was shot just a couple of months ago.
And finally, there’s this. Flawlessly sync’d to the Top Gun 2 trailer audio. Maverick in an F-4 would have been something.