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Tank’s Bingo, Sorry

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Spent Memorial Day hanging out with my family, grilling burgers and bacon in the rain, ripping old music CDs to my PC for my new and improved running playlist, and working on a new review for Marooners’ Rock. Like most good grillmeisters, I measure cook time in beers. Proper cooktime on my four-year-old Walmart special gas grill for twenty burger patties and a pack of bacon works out to roughly three Budweisers.

First time I’ve tried grilling bacon. This very nearly resulted in an existential crisis for The Queen when she thought that her brothers had consumed all of the bacon before she’d had any. Fortunately I was able to put aside her fears by showing her the bacon still on the grill just waiting for her. Also, one perk of eating last is that I can give my jalapenos and tomato slices (no onions or mushrooms today, sadly) a few minutes sitting in bacon fat before they go on my burger. That’s today’s header image.

Anyway, back to normal-ish blogging on Wednesday. I hope everyone has a good Tuesday back at work.