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Rule 5 Warships – USS Princeton

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Ahoy there! Meet USS Princeton, the shipgirl with a history as intriguing as a cat chasing laser dots. From battles to admirers, she faced it all. Will there be a Princeton II in Azur Lane? The naval drama unfolds!

Rule 5 Warships – USS St. Louis

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Meet USS St. Louis, the overachiever of light cruisers. Built to match Japan’s firepower, she said, “No, our cruiser must top that!” Fought through WWII, then rocked a second life as Brazil’s navy flagship. Talk about a comeback cruiser!

Rule 5 Warships – HMS Belfast

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Meet Belfast, the Royal Navy’s tea-brewing maestro and Head Maid extraordinaire. Juggling the quirks of the Royal Maid Corps is no cakewalk, especially with personalities that could rival a sitcom cast. She’s the real MVP, and her legacy sails smoothly, unlike some wartime refits. Cheers to Belfast, the unsinkable maid!

Rule 5 Warships – Exeter

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Let’s raise a glass for HMS Exeter, the final and overlooked York-class heavy cruiser of the Royal Navy. Sporting seaplanes and a battery of guns, this grand dame battled German raiders in WWII, survived monumental damage, and made waves in Azur Lane as a nobly behaved second-born.