The Tempesta and the Fountain of Youth event continues, and so do we. This week, let’s take a look at Golden Hind’s rival, São Martinho (or Saint Martin in English).

Originally built as a Portuguese Navy galleon, she became the flagship of Duke of Medina Sedonia, who was commander-in-chief of the Spanish Armada. When the Kingdom of Portugal came under Spanish rule in 1580, she was found to be the best ship in the fleet, and thus was chosen as the flagship.

She carried forty-eight heavy guns on two enclosed gun decks, plus various smaller weapons. When the Spanish Armada sailed up the English Channel, São Martinho played a critical role in defending the armada. At one point, while trying to rescue the galleon São João, she fought for an hour against fifteen English galleons while virtually isolated from the rest of the fleet.

During the Battle of Gravelines in July 1588, a group of English ships led by Sir Francis Drake in the Revenge bore down on her. She was able to escape and lead the remnants of the Armada back to Spain before being towed into port at Santander.

In Azur Lane, São Martinho shows up as something of a business rival/naval fleet leader to Golden Hind. Not exactly enemies, but not exactly friends either. Considering the whole Spain versus England thing during that point in history, we’ll give it a pass.

São Martinho gets one alternative Halloween costume, a dark look to contrast with her normal radiant outfit. Chinese players get a censored version of that outfit, which has a bit more… coverage, IYKWIMITYD. Like Golden Hind, São Martinho is ranked as Super Rare, unlike Golden Hind, her purchasable costume is static, not a Live 2D animated getup. She is also surprisingly bereft of tentacles, which, again, take that however you like.
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