This week’s feature is the new Sakura Empire battleship Owari. She’s one of the featured new shipgirls in the ongoing Effulgence Before Eclipse event.

Side note: “effulgence” is defined on as “a brilliant radiance; a shining forth”. I actually had to look that one up.
Anyway, on to Owari. There’s precious little actual history there. What little there is shows that she was part of a planned four-ship Kii class group of fast battleships commissioned in 1920. However, the Washington Naval Treaty put the kibosh on that plan. Work was stopped, and what had been laid down was eventually scrapped.

But as I’ve said before, Azur Lane never lets a little thing like history (or reality, or common sense, or anything else really) get in the way of creating new waifus for the whales to chase. So here we are. Meet Owari.
She’s kind of the Sakura Empire equivalent to Nevada in terms of personality. They’re both a tad obsessed with firearms (Okay, that also describes Ark Royal), have a thing for western attire, and give off a calm voice of experience kind of vibe. Although Owari speaks in what I think of as more of a casual southwestern accent, with a lot of “Aww shucks”, ‘y’all”, and “you outta” type phrases thrown around. Which is odd for a Sakura Empire shipgirl, but again, who needs consistency anyway. Which the real USS Nevada actually earned, but that’s for a different Rule 5 post.

As one of the new girls, Owari comes on the scene as a shopkeeper (don’t ask) in the Youkai Resort side story. She also has her own little side story in Port Fashion 01 (which, let’s be honest, is just an excuse to sell her swimsuit costume) where she mentions that she’s not the brightest girl, but on the plus side, she knows what she likes.

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