Can I call it, or can I call it? Last week in my write-up for Royal Fortune, I said that there would probably a new spooky shipgirl for the Tempesta faction this year. I was right! Or maybe I was wrong, because there’s not just one new Tempesta shipgirl, there are five! All themed around ships from the great Age of Sail, and making Tempesta into a viable faction (at least as viable as Dragon Empery anyway).
This week, then, we’re going to keep up the spooky vibes and meet one of the shipgirls from the Tempesta and the Fountain of Youth event. Meet Golden Hind.

The real Golden Hind became famous as Sir Francis Drake’s flagship during his journey around the world. Originally the ship was named Pelican when launched in 1577, but Drake renamed her in 1578 midway through the journey to honor his patron, whose family crest was a golden hind (female deer).

After Drake’s successful journey, Golden Hind became the world’s first museum ship, remaining at the dockyard in Depford, London until 1650. Eventually she went the way of all wooden ships, but several replicas have been constructed during the 20th century and are open to the public for touring.

In Azur Lane, we meet Golden Hind immediately after a short battle against a new Siren-like foe. She is portrayed as a cunning businesswoman, appropriate for her mercantile roots with Sir Francis Drake. As befits her name, she also has antlers.

For design reasons known only to the perverts artists designing this entire faction, all of these shipgirls have tentacles. She makes a point that her tentacles are slimier than Royal Fortune’s which… um… okay?
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