Continuing with the theme from last week for the Azur Lane x Senran Kagura crossover event (aka “The Ninja Scrolls: Azur Flash”), let’s meet one more of the girls. This week, we turn our gaze to the physical McGuffin of the story, Fubuki.

First appearing in mobile spinoff game Shinobi Master Senran Kagura: New Link, Fubuki started as the antagonist of the main story, before subsequently turning around to become a supporting ally. She appears cold and aloof, with pale skin offsetting her dark hair, but secretly longs to make friends.

WARNING: Spoilers for The Ninja Scrolls: Azur Flash event ahead.

Still with me? Okay, you were warned.

When I said that Fubuki was the McGuffin for the event story, I meant precisely that. The event opens with Observer (one of the Sirens that we most often see messing with our shipgirls) having kidnapped Fubuki because she’s got some weird cross-dimensional ninjutsu power or something. The rest of the event is all about the other Senran Kagura shinobi girls (now equipped with conveniently provided riggings of their own), plus the Azur Lane shipgirls, trying to find and rescue her. It all ends on a highly suspicious note of Observer concluding that the test is complete, and leaving an open doorway for the Senran Kagura girls to go back home.

Helpfulness? From a Siren? I don’t trust it.

In-game, Fubuki gets to be a Super Rare Battleship. What else could she be?

One thing I didn’t note last week, is that all of the Senran Kagura girls, plus the new costume for Takao, have damaged versions of their default outfits. In typical Senran Kagura form, this is mainly an excuse to show a bit more skin, but it’s also kind of a hidden second outfit option. To change the outfit ingame, swipe down on your secretary ship starting at about mid-chest, to switch from undamaged to damaged or back. We’ll see if this system makes its way to future outfits/characters, or if it’s a one-off for this event.