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Role Reversal- Let’s Play Wing Commander: The Secret Missions 2: Crusade – Corsair Mission 2

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Finally, we get some information about what this whole Sivar thing is all about. Nothing much, really. The Kilrathi only want to cleanse or forcibly convert an entire planet to the the worship of their war god. No big deal really. I don’t know why Confed doesn’t just let them have their culture and move on. Oh, except for that whole “kill or subjugate all other species”. Right, that presents a bit of a problem.

Interesting chatter in the bar this time though, with Shotglass and Spirt both reflecting different takes on the nature of the enemy after seeing one of the Kilrathi defectors for the first time. Shotglass can’t forgive the cats for what they did to his family. Spirit, despite losing her fiancé in a Kilrathi attack, just feels empty. Both emptiness and revenge can be killers in a war though.

Once again, we’re in captured Dralthi Mk. IIs for this mission. The Jalthi on the way to Nav 1 can be avoided if desired, but the cats have figured out our IFF somehow, and that’s the last safe transit we’ll get during this mission. The next wave features a combination of enemy Dralthi Mk. IIs, and a pair of captured Rapiers. It’s a classic Rapier vs. Dralthi fight that we’ve seen hundreds of times, but this time we’re on the wrong end of the equation.

The only real vulnerabilty of the Rapier is that it’s got weak armor once we chew through the shields. This requires a bit of patience to try and do some significant damage once we knock down the shields.