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Road To PAX South 2019 – Day 1

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Road To PAX South 2019 Cover

All things considered, we made shockingly good time today. I’d wanted to leave at 0900, but final load checks never go perfectly smoothly, and saying goodbye to four kids and a very patient wife is never a short process. There are always tears. Some them aren’t mine. All this meant that we didn’t actually depart the family domicile until 0930, point the nose of the family people hauler South down Interstate 29, and come up to cruising speed.

Road To PAX South 2019 St. Joseph MO In The Snow
Stopping in St. Joseph, MO (Near Kansas City) for gas. 31 degrees, and more snow than in South Dakota, at least for now!

It was really surprising to see the snow quantities increase as we passed into Missouri and even Kansas. We seemed to be driving into a weather system, and hit some pretty good fog in Kansas. Enough to make me slow down a bit. Mini-me turns out to be a lousy navigator. I could barely get him to ride shotgun at all, he was too busy playing videogames and watching movies in the back seat. Maybe that makes him a good RIO, always watching screens? I don’t know, that’s for someone more knowledgeable than me about such matters to say.

The plan had been to just get to Oklahoma City and call it a night, but we hit OKC before 2000 and I was feeling good, so we kept going. That might have been a mistake. Traffic wasn’t bad, but I’m not sure that navigating through the Dallas freeway system in the dark, while tired, and searching for a hotel is a thing I want to repeat again. At the very least, I know it’s feasible when I make this run again next year!

All that leaves for tomorrow is a relatively short jaunt down to San Antonio, with the vital first In-N-Out stop and some Cane’s Chicken!