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Road to 10K – Week 4, Failure and Redemption

Week Four of 10K training didn’t go according to plan. What was supposed to happen was that after Week Three’s distance run, I’d kick off the next week with a short high intensity run, follow that up with two interval sessions later in the week, and wrap up with a 4.5 mile distance run.

I got through the first two days just fine, but then I bought a house. That may have been a little distracting. Add in a full day family gathering on Saturday, and I failed my training plan for the week.

Thing is, failure is okay. Life happens. The important thing is in not letting a single bad day become a bad week, or a bad week become a bad month, etc. I got back on the trail on Sunday with my Little Running Buddy. It wasn’t the 4.5 mile distance run I originally planned, and I only managed an 11:15 per mile pace (while pushing forty-five pounds of kid and stroller), but it was important to get out, run, and not make excuses for another day.

I’m planning on getting back on track this week. My 10k race timetable may slip a bit, but I’ll get one in by the end of the season!