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Road to 10k – Week 2 Training Complete-ish

Two weeks down, and what should be four to go. Except that it isn’t. I did fine all week, chugging through my interval days and one “easy run” day, but the final day was the distance run. I’ve got a feeling this is going to be my continual nemesis.

My happy running place. Finished, showered, and beer in hand.

Putting the distance run at the end of the week makes it the culmination of the week’s effort, the final test to see if you’ve built up enough endurance to make it through. Every week the distance gets a little longer, until at the end of the final week you’re running a full 10k. It may not be a fast 10k, but it’ll make the distance.

This week’s distance wasn’t 10k. It was four miles, or 6.8km. I ran out of gas at the 3.3mi mark. On the plus side, I cleared 3.1mi/5k thirty seconds faster than before. But I couldn’t pass the test.

So for next week, it’s the Week 2 program, again! And hopefully by next Sunday I can make it through and start the Week 3 program.