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Road Home – Day One

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In-N-Out Waco 2019

Monday turned into a very long driving day.

We rolled out of San Antonio around 0930, with a plan to try to make it past OKC. Boss Lady was keeping me appraised of the Sioux Falls weather, it looks like Tuesday we’re in for another snow storm, and I didn’t want to drive through more snow than I have to.

Still had to make one last In-N-Out stop though. That’s mandatory. As was at least one quick trip into a Texas Harley-Davidson dealer to add something to my shirt collection.

I finally got to see a bit of North Texas in the daylight. Pretty country. I can see why folks like Lawdog, and Old NFO call it home.

Blew through OKC around 1900. I still haven’t seen that city in the daytime. Maybe next year. We kept going and pushed into Kansas and onto the Kansas Turnpike. Why does Kansas get to toll this giant section of interstate? Ah, that’s a convoluted backstory that goes back to Kansas building the roads prior to them being designated as part of the Interstate highway system. The biggest problem I have with the turnpike is that if you make the mistake of getting off to look for a hotel, it’s a bear to try and find another on-ramp. U.S. Highway 40 around Topeka seems like a nice road that I’d love to ride on a sunny day on my Harley, but I would rather not experience it again at night, with snow along the edges of the road, hoping that none of the curves are iced over.

Not sure if Mini-Me and I will actually make it home on Tuesday. That weather system looks to be poised straight in our path.