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Progress (The Opposite of Congress?)

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Blog updates still coming sporadically (duh! – Management). Something that our squadron chaplain said to my CAP cadets last month really resonated with me though. He was talking about vision (as in a direction for your life) and putting goals in place to get you to your vision. One of his big points was that the typical limit for major goals that people can manage simultaneously is three.

So let’s count my various major goals that are driving towards a specific future vision:

  • Be better at my job – (there are measurables for this, but not things I want to post on a public blog)
  • Reach Baby Step 4 next year – (Point 1 goes hand-in-hand with that, plus whatever side hustles are actually paying me decently. For the moment, that’s still mostly DoorDash).
  • Qualify for the Boston Marathon. – Nowhere close to the time I need for that yet, but I’m slowly building there. Marathon training takes up a pretty good chunk of my daily time.
  • Be a good Deputy Commander of Cadets for my CAP Squadron
  • Keep the blog going
  • Stream more
  • Keep the YouTube channel going, and spool up an alternate channel on Rumble.
  • Write more for Marooners’ Rock.
  • Work on my sci-fi novel series.

Yeah, I’ve got too many objectives going on. No wonder I’m dropping the ball on a few things. However, I think I’ve found a couple of spots in my schedule where some adjustments will yield good dividends. I guess we’ll find out in the next few weeks if that’s true or not.