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PAX Bound and Down

By the time this posts, I should be starting the first leg of an all-day trip to PAX South!

Photo copyright Nicolas C. Kaemmerer and found on Used with permission.

 I don’t fly much, in fact this will be the first time since my 2015 job hunting marathon, so as a bit of an AvGeek, I chose to take the long way to San Antonio, via Minneapolis and Atlanta. Hopefully this ATL layover goes better than the previous one. As a bonus, I get to two legs on an MD-90, one of my favorite aircraft families.

Sure, they’re getting old, and noisy when you’re stuck in the back row by the big fans, but airliners with tail mounted engines just look better than ones with wing mounted engines.

Third leg will be on a 757. Beats another 737 at least!
Photo copyright Nicolas C. Kaemmerer and found on Used with permission.

Meanwhile, check out Marooner’s Rock for PAX South coverage!