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On The Winning Path – Let’s Play Wing Commander: The Secret Missions – Vigrid System, Mission 1

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Wing Commander Damaged F-44A Rapier II

Finally, the winning path! Like Shotglass says at the beginning, it’s nice knowing that the Sivar Dreadnought is out there somewhere running out of fuel while we hunt it down. Of course, the Kilrathi aren’t going to go down without a fight. Fortunately, we’re in Rapiers. Knight also manages to be a reasonably competent wingman. The only time I got friendly fired was from one of the Claw’s other escorting Rapiers.

First up is taking out some of the remaining escorts. A mixed strike force of Jalthi heavies and Krant mediums are escorting a Ralari-class cruiser. Take them out quickly, then it’s back to the Claw, where we have multiple waves of Gratha coming in on a surprise attack.

This is classic gaming at its finest. The final missions of an expansion pack should be brutally hard. Winnable, eventually, but not before you’ve spent a few hours trying.