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October Check – A Head Of Ideas

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box with brain inscription on head of anonymous woman

As (kind of) promised, trying to do at least a start of month check-in on the blog/month in review post. 

Somewhat unsurprisingly, this is a day late on my target schedule. On the other hand, it is at least showing up in the target week, so… progress? Let’s see, last month the blog made (checks Google’s adSense revenue…) enough to buy one thing from Dollar Twenty-Five Tree, pre-tax, or pay for about a tenth of Teenage Daughter’s usual order at Leftist Corporate Coffee Company. One of the best blog revenue months ever! 

Seriously though, it appears that the Azur Lane Rule 5 posts are by far the most popular thing I write, so those will continue. As for everything else, it’s my blog, and I’ll write about what interests me. That’s the whole point of this space, n’est-ce pa

September ended up being a pretty good content month for me. I think I batted about .500 for getting blog posts up and have a few more non-time critical entries just about ready for October. Over on the YouTubes, the perpetual Wing Commander series is nearing its finale for Wing Commander II: Special Operations 2, although the last episodes won’t hit until November. However, I prefer to work a couple months ahead on video production, so I’m already in process of shooting the next entry in the series. We’re going on some side trips to Wing Commander games I’ve never actually finished! More about that next month when the videos start dropping. 

I already covered my September running. What’s also interesting is that I really felt more creative in the last month than I have for quite a while. Whether that’s from backing off on the aggressive fitness schedule, finally getting comfortable with my current work schedule to where sitting in my home office doesn’t feel like continuing to do the same thing as the day job, or some other combination of factors, I have no idea. I’m not complaining though. My Muse seems to have come back from her extended vacation and has been busily whispering ideas into my head. 

Some of those ideas may come out here, some elsewhere. I’ll have to see what takes off.