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More Pancakes? – Let’s Play Wing Commander: The Secret Missions 2 – Crusade – Near Firekka Mission 2

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It’s time for another critical, time sensitive mission. Having located the missing and presumed lost Drayman-class transport mentioned in the previous mission‘s debriefing, it’s time to bring it home. Fortunately, the Killer Bees have a few Hornets available to… Oh. Never mind that, we’ll be wedging ourselves back into a Dralthi Mk. II again, and hoping that Tactical is correct about cracking the Kilrathi IFF codes that were giving us away last time.

The bar is empty. No one there except Shotglass, who’s just going to tell us to head to the briefing room.

The actual mission is as simple or difficult as you want it to be. Unlike the previous Dralthi mission, this time the cats aren’t detecting you as hostile, so it’s entirely possible to avoid combat with the quintet of Gratha patrolling between the TCS Tiger’s Claw and Nav Point 1, and the quintet of Hhriss covering the Drayman-class transport at Nav 1. In point of fact, that’s what I did on the video.

The Jalthi and Krant going after the Drayman can’t be avoided, but they’re also primarily going after the transport. Which is bad, in that Drayman are squishy and fragile, but helpful, in that Dralthi are also squishy and fragile. Just like usual when running escort missions like this, the priority has to be any fighters attacking the transport.