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Monday Musings – Up and Running Again! Vlog 2020-22

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After a weird few weeks, I’m finally back up and running again. Literally. That cold knocked me on my butt hard, and if it wasn’t the stuffy head and runny nose, it was the head fog from the drugs to deal with the stuffy head and runny nose. Argh. I shot this after my first run in over a week. Not my fastest 5k by far, but it was good to get out there again and feel concrete under my running shoes.

A little more on the iOS app I mentioned. I’m not ready to get into specifics yet, but I’ll be kicking off development this week. I think the first steps are going to be planning out overall development using a fresh Trello board, breaking out Epics, Features, and Tasks, and defining both a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for eventual launch, and my Definition of Done. I’ll probably start by using one week sprints and see how that goes.