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Monday Musings – My Coat’s Looking a Little… Brown

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Hopefully everyone had a Merry Christmas. We certainly did. A little quieter than usual, since the extended family chose to stay home and plan a 2nd Christmas in 2021, but still a good day. The kids enjoyed their presents, we did a Zoom call with my family (necessary regardless of WuFlu considerations since we’re scattered across three timezones and five states), and there was ham and sourdough biscuits.

In the context of the current political situation, I’ve been thinking a lot about a little show from the early ’00s again. Truth be told, I don’t feel particularly optimistic about American prospects over the next four years, at least not on the macro level. With the “Resistance” of the last four years morphing into “Comply” faster than a bunch of Michigan election officials pulling out a statistically impossible collection of Biden ballots at 3am, the shoe looks to be predictably back on the other foot.

If I were a proper Objectivist, this would be about the time when I start thinking about “Going Galt”. Truth be told, though, I’m probably more of an Eddie Willers than I am a Hank Reardon or a John Galt. I’ll keep doing the best that I can, trying to tap-dance around the elephants, and fighting until the end. It’s probably the losing side. But I’m still not convinced it’s the wrong side.