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Let’s Play Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance – B7M4 – Killing Another Death Star!

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This is it! The big moment! Everything that’s been building up, leading to this final run through the interior caverns of the Death Star II to blow this battlestation up and rain flaming chunks down on Endor, thus triggering the great Endor Holocaust.

Ehrm, this is supposed to be happy event, isn’t it?

Anyway, the mission itself is pretty straight forward, unlike the tunnels that you’ll be flying through. These tight, debris choked corridors are going to kill you. Again, and again, and again. Then, just when you think this will be the final run, they’ll kill you a few more times for good measure.

Fortunately, you can at least blast most of the obstacles out of the way. That knowledge would have made my life a lot easier, if I’d realized it on the first series of attempts. Oh well. Good luck, and May the Force Be With You!

Also, happy Black Friday to all American shoppers out there! We’ll be back next week with a brand new Flight Friday Let’s Play series!