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Let’s Play Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance – B7M1 – Fighter Screen Door

This is it! The final mission(s)! The Battle of Endor! Ace Azzameen has to take a back seat for this one, however, as we get to step into Lando’s shoes and pilot the Millennium Falcon for the climactic ending.

I don’t know if the mission is broken up into chunks just due to engine limitations, although I suspect that was the primary reason. Trying to track all of the pieces needed for all four segments of this set battle would have put a severe strain on a top of the line 1999 gaming rig.

Player fatigue would probably have been an issue too. There’s no save points or mid-mission restarts in this game. Imagine failing on the last segment (the Death Star interior run) and having to refight all of the previous battles! Thanks but no thanks.

All that said,the first segment here is a straight forward fighter sweep. Kill all the TIEs within the time limit, keep the Independence and the Redemption from being destroyed (not too difficult) and you’re fine. The dorsal and ventral gun turrets on the Falcon will do most of the heavy lifting for you.