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Let’s Play Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance – B6M6 – All Together Now

We’re wrapping up the prelude to Endor now, gathering the entire Rebel fleet together to make the attack. The final step is to escort some of the remaining battle groups back to the fleet.

You’d think that the Rebels could have spared more than a pair of A-Wings for this job, but maybe there were a lot more strike groups needing escort than were mentioned in the briefing. Yeah, we’ll go with that. Regardless, the first part of this mission is pretty easy. Use the A-Wing’s speed to ensure that the Assault Gunboats can’t chew up the Defiance too badly, and you’ll be fine.

The second part is a bit tougher. The Independence is already in a bad way when you arrive, so you need to focus on knocking out enemy TIE Bombers while still keeping yourself out of the clutches of the TIE Fighters and Interceptors. Fortunately, your A-Wing does have a full load of Concussion missiles and can grab a reload or two from the hanger of the Independence. I’m not a big fan of Concussion missiles, but they’re pretty handy against unshielded Dupes. No reason to come home with full missile magazines at the end of this mission.