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Let’s Play Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance – B5M1 – Smuggler’s Rendezvous

Welcome to Battle #5! Getting ever closer to that grand finale, and the Rebel Alliance is running out of supplies (again). You know, you’d think maybe they’d learn a thing or two about logistical supply chains from the Imperials, but based on The Last Jedi, nope, never happened. Sigh. So once again, it’s up to a motley group of smugglers to come help save the day.

Of course, this meeting needs an escort, and that’s where we come in. Someone dug a few Z-95 Headhunters out of storage, so that’s what we’re going to fly, to make this look like just a random meeting of smuggler groups. Surely that will fool the Empire, right?

The only major problem in this mission is the fragility of your Z-95s. Other than that, it’s a fairly straightforward escort mission. Make sure everyone gets away, then get yourself safely home.