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Kids and Airshows

Two weeks ago, we had the opportunity to attend the Offut airshow near Omaha, Nebraska. The week before, we’d attended the Sioux Falls Airshow, which I wrote a bit about.

Once again, the kids had a blast. I’ve not seen the Thunderbirds in over twenty years, so that was a treat for me as well. Randy Ball in the MIG-17PF (the only one of its type flying in the Western world) was another treat. That bird puts on a show, particularly with the afterburner lit!

Pictures don’t do this thing justice. That afterburner stream pulses like no modern aircraft does.
(Pictures from the FIGHTERJETS INC website)

One of the oft-repeated things said about the benefits of airshows and flight demonstration teams like the Thunderbirds and Blue Angels is that they help inspire future generations to want to fly, seek out careers in aviation, and generally dream bigger.

This year I think I got to see, and hear, that for myself.
“Who wants to fly that jet behind you?”

Time will tell, but there could be a future Thunderbird pilot in that shot.

It was a great show. I wish I could have spent some more time in the static display areas, where the CAF squadrons were quite well represented, but hopefully I’ll get time for that next year. Oh yeah, we’ll be back for this one again!

A-26B Lady Liberty