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It’s Nice to Have Clean Water

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My original idea for today’s blog fell through (Yeah, because you put the folder with the Forza 5 sheet music somewhere so safe that you can’t find it two weeks later! Ed.) but I found inspiration glaring at me on my desk. I don’t think I’ve written nearly enough about the clean water crisis which is the reason I’m training for the Seattle Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon in June and running with Team World Vision.

Everyone’s washing their hands well now (at least I hope everyone is), but what about folks who can’t wash their hands in clean water? By and large, we in the developed world take it for granted that we turn on the tap and water is there. It may not taste the best, but it’s (almost always) clean and drinkable. For a lot of Third-World villages, that’s not an option.

In a few months, we’ll probably look back at most of this WuFlu nonsense and laugh. By 2021, the only thing remaining will likely be the memes about toilet paper hoarders. Meanwhile, these villages will still be drinking contaminated water.

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