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Hobbies in Lockdown – Catching Up With My Baseball Cards

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Missed a couple of days updates. Sorry, it’s not that my muse went missing, but work has very much not slowed down for me. On the other hand, having all of my social events move online has furnished a solid kick in the pants to get my baseball card organizing moving again. Something about staring at a screen while playing D&D with my usual group, and various other meetings. 

I’ve been thinking about this for a while, about how to properly focus my collection. For the past few years, I’ve mostly just taken an opportunistic approach to collecting, where I grab whatever ‘80s or ‘90s wax boxes are cheap, plus whatever random trades come in. I think I’m done with that mostly. 

I think the collection focus is going to be from 1980 to now. That seems like a good cutoff date, since the 1980 Topps set still isn’t too expensive, and then we move into the Junk Wax era. The really interesting challenge is going to be figuring out the right balance between just buying a set versus buying some unopened boxes. That’s likely to turn into a case-by-case kind of thing, based on how much of the set I already own, price of a complete set versus the number of boxes required to complete, and how many insert sets I want to complete. I may end up writing a little bit about each major set as I finish it. That could be interesting, for me at least. 

I’m sure I’ll still be at least a little opportunistic. If I see a good deal at a garage sale, I’m not going to walk by, I’ll just buy it and sort out the details later.  But in general, I’m going to bring a bit more planning and focus to my acquisitions, while trying to stay within an agreed upon budget.