It’s July. Adventure Girl and Future Jedi spent last week at a summer camp three hours away focusing on culinary skills for AG and basic wilderness skills for FJ. AG came home with a bunch of carefully prepared meals and treats, a personal apron, and a cookbook of camp recipes. FJ came back with scrapes all over his legs, sunburns on most of his upper body, dirt under every fingernail, and dirt on every piece of clothing that he wore. In short, both had a wonderful time.
This week it’s (Not-So) Mini-Me’s turn. Same camp, but he chose a week of playing Airsoft in the woods. It’ll be interesting to see what he comes back with on Friday. Meanwhile, the younger kids are all signed up for Virtual Vacation Bible School (which sounds about as fun as the Virtual Wing Conference I attended, but what can you do?) for later in the month. The local baseball team is playing, and even my beloved Dodgers look like they’re going to have some sort of a season after all.

In a lot of ways, it feels like such a non-sequitor, almost like South Dakota is a bubble of tranquility while so many other parts of the country are continuing to lose their collective minds. Don’t get me wrong, I know about the protesting morons at Mount Rushmore, and we one pathetic attempt at a riot here in Sioux Falls, but by and large, things feel almost normal, with only mandatory mask requirements of some businesses jarring the sense that things are getting back to they way they usually are. I suspect I’d be a lot more on edge if we still lived in Washington.