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Halfway Through – Progress Check

At the beginning of the year, I put down a few goals. Since we’re now halfway through, it’s probably a good time to make a progress check, and see how I’m doing so far.

Still one of my favorite bike photos this year.

1. Motorcycle Stuff: Turns out there’s no Experience Rider Courses in South Dakota this season. So much for that one. I did manage my first Iron Butt ride, though, so that one’s complete!

2. Health and Fitness: Making progress. I’m just a few pounds away from being under 200lbs, and was lifting weights consistently for the first five months of the year. I’m currently taking a break from lifting to focus on 10k training with Adventure Girl, but the weights will come back in the fall.

3. Youtube/Twitch: It turns out a fair bit of people enjoy talking workout streams! Those were pretty popular, and will be back, again, in the fall. Followers are slowly increasing, and I hope to hit affiliate status soon!

4. Writing: I mean, this blog is getting updated regularly, and my Marooner’s Rock byline is showing up regularly, so I guess that’s doing all right.

5. Reading. Finished Atlas Shrugged. Finally. Jumped into a bunch of other books too.