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Ha, We’re Back!

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I neither intended, nor expected that I’d go dark on here for almost a week. Not that it’s an excuse, but things kind of got away from me for a bit there. Here’s how it went down… 

Two weeks of REDCAP missions really put me on my heels. I expected to be worn out, but after flying twice on Sunday and once on Monday, I was pretty much toast. I rolled into work Tuesday morning, spent a couple of hours blankly staring at my computer screen (“How do I write a ‘Hello World’ program again?”) gave it up as a bad deal and went home sick. I then proceeded to sleep most of the day. 

Wednesday – Saturday then basically involved me trying to get caught up. It mostly worked. Obviously the blog got ignored on the priority chain, but all things considered, I did pretty well getting caught up. 

Happily(?) Wedged into the back of a CAP Cessna 172, ready for another spotting mission. Uniform isn’t entirely compliant, because I only own one scarf and black cap for now.

So where does that leave me now? 

Zero buffer, for starters. The daily BuJo task list is down to about 1 and 1/3 pages, so that’s progress. I had an idea a few months ago to shift the weekly vlog, which I very much enjoy doing, over to more of a just in time kind of thing, but that clearly hasn’t worked. I’ll be switching that back to something that I shoot as part of my normal content cadence. 

I think the main thing that I need to do right now is to really focus on knocking out a fairly simple set of prioritized tasks every day. The way I figure it, I’ve got between five and eight tasks that need doing every day, not counting work. If I focus on getting these done for a while, I should be fine. 

And for something randomly different, I found a downloaded copy of this while trying to clean up my various file archives. Not mine, but quite amusing.

For the curious, in prioritized order, those tasks would be as follows: 

  1. Daily Bible reading. Can’t read through the Bible in a year again if I don’t stay current. 
  2. Workout (unless it’s a rest day). 
  3. Oldest task in my BuJo. First in, First out, with exceptions for high priority or time sensitive necessary tasks. 
  4. Grade Adventure Girl’s English homework 
  5. Grade Adventure Girl’s math homework. (Ah, the joys of homeschooling. I really can’t complain though, I only have two subjects for one student to deal with. MLGB deals with all of the other schoolbooks most of the time.) 
  6. Edit a video. 
  7. Publish a video. 
  8. Publish a blog post. 

Easy, right? Just gotta be relentless and get it done. 

Relentless, as always.