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Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China, Mission Seven – Lucky Day Akyab

In December 1942, the first attempt by British forces to retake Burma from the Japanese began with the attempted invasion of Akyab. An island containing a well built, all weather airbase, it represented a strategic location from which IJAAF aircraft could cover most of Central Burma with fighters and transports, and reach Rangoon with their medium bombers.

This mission simulates one possible attack on the airfield by Mk. IV Blenheims of the RAF’s No. 60 Squadron. During a single engagement on May 22th, 1942, a single Blenheim crew was credited with shooting down Lt Col Tateo Kat¬ō’s Ki-43 and badly damaging two other aircraft over the Bay of Bengal. Lt. Kat¬ō’s demise would prove a severe blow to the IJAAF.