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Firekkan Fralthi – Let’s Play Wing Commander: The Secret Missions 2: Crusade – Firekka Mission 5

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Nickel on the grass (or whatever the 27th century equivalent would be) for Bossman. Angel’s out of medical, but pretty shook up, and blaming herself for everything. Interesting that she talks about trying not to care about anyone or anything. You could almost call it foreshadowing about what happens with her in Wing Commander II.

The actual mission involves bringing in a defecting Fralthi-class heavy cruiser captained by one Ralgha nar Hhallas. Remember that name, he’ll be important again… eventually.

The actual mission isn’t too difficult here. We’ve moved over to Raptors again, and Spirit is on our wing for the next couple of missions. She’s always one of my favorite wingmen, as she’s generally pretty accurate while not being overly aggressive.

The Fralthi isn’t nearly as tough as the Tiger’s Claw, but it’s no Ralari-class either. I’ll take Krants attacking over Gratha any day. Just focus on whatever’s attacking the Fralthi and trust that your Raptor can absorb a hit or two. The Dralthi Mk. II on the trip back to the Claw should be a piece of cake.