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Extra Life Recap! – Vlog 2019-38

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(Header picture taken down the parade line just before the start of the parade. At least it looks like Christmas, right?

Wow! What a weekend! That definitely goes into the books as one of the crazier Thanksgiving weekends I’ve had in a while. First off, the Extra Life stream went amazingly well. I blew threw my goal and broke my personal best, raising over $200 for my local childrens’ hospital. Huge success!

By the time I finished, though, I’d been up for thirty-eight hours straight. That was definitely enough for me, so I went to bed shortly thereafter. Usually after a 24-hour gaming binge like that, I’ll sleep for ten or more hours, but in this case, I needed to be up to go shopping with Adventure Girl. It’s a Thanksgiving tradition, what can I say?

So despite the both of us still being pretty tired from our respective gaming binges, out we went to face the crowds, just a bit later than normal at 0830. Given that we’re also working through the Ramsey Baby Steps, I didn’t end up spending a lot. In fact, Adventure Girl outspent me by quite a bit. But hey, she’s debt free and can do what she wants with her allowance money that she’s been saving.

We had to put a hard stop time on the shopping fun though, because for the evening, Adventure Girl and I were helping with our local Christmas Lights parade. Specifically, we were putting on our CAP working uniforms and helping with parade safety patrol – basically just making sure people don’t get their toes run over by a float, help lost children, that sort of thing. It was a lot of walking on a cold, snowy night. Between the shopping and the parade, my step counter registered over 18,000 steps for the day!

If the header didn’t make it clear enough, winter appears to have officially arrived in South Dakota. Bill The Cat was not pleased. He put two paws outside and decided that was it.