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Extra Life 2016 After Action Report

Official game day has come and gone for Extra Life 2016. Total raised so far, by everyone in 2016 is over $6 million! I’m proud to have been a part of it, even if my total contribution came to a paltry $30.

I managed to stay awake almost the whole 25 hour marathon, save for some point between the witching hour of 5-6am where I kind of lost the plot and dozed off for a bit, fortunately off stream.

This was a much different Extra Life marathon than the ones I’d done in years past though. My previous runs had an office space provided by my game developer employer at the time, which meant much fewer distractions. On the other hand, my kids are older now, and becoming enthusiastic participants.

Overall, a great day, and I’m looking forward to doing even better next year!