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End of Season – 1,123

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1,123. That’s the total number of miles I put on my Harley this year. Give that it’s snowing and below freezing here, I’m fairly certain that’s going to be my final tally for the year, despite putting the old girl on a batter tender to keep her ready, just in case.

That mileage number doesn’t include the miles I rode on demo fleet bikes, including my dream bike, but even so, I was still under 1,200 for the year.

That’s definitely not one of my better tallies. I didn’t get out and ride nearly as often as I would have liked this year, for a variety of reasons. Most of these reasons were good – rides conflicted with kid sports nights, family outings, or other things. Cutting down my commute, while great in general, also cost me around ten miles a day during riding season.

I didn’t do an Iron Butt ride this year, and I didn’t make any road trips up to Minneapolis or down to Kansas City. I didn’t even ride down to Sioux City like I did last year.

It’s not like the fun is gone, I just had an off year. I think the moral of the story is that if I want to get my miles up more next year, I need to plan more rides, not just trust that they’ll just spontaneously “happen.”