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Eighteen Year Reflections

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Earlier this week, MLGB and I celebrated eighteen years of wedded bliss. Yes, she’s been graciously tolerating my ridiculous shenanigans for so long now that our marriage license can climb out of its frame and register itself for the draft.

One of the perks of having teenagers is that we finally have built-in babysitting. Which meant we could go out for a few hours. So we did. Where better to celebrate eighteen years of shenanigans than, well, Shenanigans?

Anyway, a good evening was had by all. Local Chinese Flu preventative measures (at least at that restaurant) seem to involve serving all drinks in disposable plastic cups, meaning that my cold pint reminded me a bit of being at a ballgame. Save that the beers cost about half as much.

Adventure Girl even tried her hand at baking us an anniversary cake.