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Dev Humor Wednesday – Random Access Edition

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Brain is currently overloaded trying to grok the legacy application that I’m expected to learn, maintain, and eventually upgrade at work. On the plus side, I remember a lot about Windows Forms in C#. On the negative side, I’m having to remember a lot of things about Windows Forms in C#.

Please to enjoy some developer humor.

One benefit to working at home is that I could technically spend the whole day maintaining my Ballmer Peak and no one would be the wiser. What could possibly go wrong?

Speaking of Steve Ballmer, he may not have been the best CEO Microsoft ever had, but he’ll always be remembered for two things: the Ballmer Peak, and “Developers, Developers, Developers!”

But at the end of the day, when our brains are mush and we’re ready to close our laptop screens and go home, we all need to remember why we started programming in the first place.