As promised yesterday, here’s the first of what will be a random continuing series of “Cool cars spotted while DoorDashing”. I’m no Tam, and all I have is my trusty iPhone X camera, but if the first rule of picture taking is “Have a camera” then I’ve at least got that going on.
It’s funny just how many nice cars are stashed in garages around here. All winter they slumber, dreaming dreams of sunny, dry roads. Then in summer they burst forth to be joyfully driven all over town and enjoyed by owners, passengers, and anyone with eyes to appreciate a classic vehicle doing what it was meant to do – be driven.
I ended up at a stop light next to this nice couple in their immaculate ’70s Gen 2 Trans Am, out enjoying an evening drive. While I’ll admit a personal preference for the 3rd Gen Trans Am/Camaro style, there’s no denying that the 2nd Gen cars look great with T-Tops. Especially in flawlessly polished black like it rolled right out of Smokey and the Bandit.I’ll be honest, I have no idea what this actually is. But man is it eye catching. I’d parked next to it to pick up from a restaurant, but this was stopping traffic as everyone had to slow down and look, or grab a picture.Just out for an afternoon drive in what I think is possibly either an MG T Series Midget, or a convincing replica thereof. Gorgeous either way.
Well this post honestly made me think! Thanks-I wouldn’t have seen things this way otherwise.
NEVER quit moving. Succeed!
The Trans Am with the Winston Winner Tires…Have not seen those tires in years.
I wish I could have talked cars with these folks for a while. Maybe next year, since summer cruising season is about done around here.
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