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Book Review: Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook (4th Ed.)

Over the summer, I found myself struggling a bit with some of my long runs while preparing for my first half-marathon. The truth of the matter was that I just didn’t know quite how to properly fuel myself for long runs, and was learning as I went.

A conversation with an old college friend who has been running marathons for over ten years now turned me on this book as a resource to help solve my problems.

Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook is an all-in-one tome for athletes and aspiring athletes looking for solid nutrition advice. It’s not a diet book, although there’s a fair bit of diet advice, nor is it a recipe book, although there are several chapters filled with recipes.

What this book is, however, is a solid guide for anyone looking for evidence based guidelines for how to fuel an active body while achieving whatever your weight goals are. When to eat, what percentage of carbohydrates/fats/proteins to eat, and how much to eat are all topics that are covered well in this tome.

It’s more of a reference manual than something that needs to be read cover to cover, but that’s all right. just keep it on a shelf and refer to it when needed after skimming the Table of Contents and reading whatever chapters are relevant at the time. As for me, since I’m kicking up my marathon training program, this will definitely get some use for good food choices and snacks I can make at home.