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Baseball Evenings

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It feels like Spring has finally, maybe, come to stay. Probably. Sitting outside watching my kids play baseball without needing to wear a parka sure makes it feel like spring to me.

I finally got a left-handed bat in the family lineup. It took us five tries, and she tried to run to 3rd base when she got her first hit, but we’ve got a lefty in the mix. As is typical in this league, she’s the only girl on her team. It’s a good thing that she’s used to her brothers always being around.

At the start of the season, Future Jedi found out that there was another kid on the team with his same first name. No one ever told FJ that Rule #1 is “You don’t get to pick your own nickname.” He promptly told his entire team to call him Blaster. Somehow he made it stick. Blaster’s always happy, provided he’s on base. He doesn’t care if he gets there with a hit, a walk, or being hit by a pitch. If a fastball to the leg is the price to stand on First, he’ll take it every time.